Allow me to introduce myself, I am Jia Liu, the author of this comic strip, Weapon of Choice. My name is pronounced JAW LOO, so make fun all you want :P. I am fourteen years of age and I attend Mountain View High School in Mountain View (look at a map of the San Francisco Bay area). My ethnicity is Chinese, and I am about 5'8".

Anyhow, the reason I created Weapon of Choice is that, since the age of around nine, I've loved to draw comics, though, I also enjoy doing realistic art. I had a previous comic called Planet Loser that I really enjoyed for a while, but in the end I came out unsatisfied with it. It was based on my own life and I realized that the lack of plot really disturbed me, which brings me back to Weapon of Choice.

I created this strip to add some humor into people's lives, to express myself through art, and to create the world as I see it. What I try to accomplish with this strip is to tell stories based on what is true to me. So hopefully, what viewers I have can respect the stories, artwork, and thoughts that I have to display.


Weapon of Choice is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.